Dr Veronica Damian MVZ, MVS, MANZCVSc (Radiology)

Dr Veronica Damian MVZ, MVS, MANZCVSc (Radiology)

What purchase of $100 or less has most positively impacted in your life? (Feel free to give specific brands/models).

My first Microscope (paid AUD $98) bought as a student helped me become more interested and being thorough on the cases that I was learning, especially in learning cytology and histopathology. And from there, taking biopsies, which led me into learning ultrasound so I could sample things percutaneously. And from there I ended up doing what I love most! SCANNING!

What is the funniest thing that has happened (to you or witnessed) in your job?

Omg! So many!

My Spanglish betrays me all the time!  I was about to see a patient, named PENNE, which when pronounced in Spanish it means penis (PENE). So I repeated to myself in my head "Don’t say PENE, do not say PENE! (Thinking in Spanish)".

And when I finally walked into the waiting room full of clients and I accidentally said out loud in English "PENIS" and everyone looked at me in one go! (at least I did not say PENE in Spanish Bahahaha).

Favourite guilty pleasure after a stressful day at work?

A good chat with my family and then a movie with a nice meal!

How has a failure (or apparent failure) set you up for later success? Do you have a "favourite failure" of yours?

I like to see them as Experiences not Failures, whatever the situation happened. I always like to make a statement that goes like this:  "My lesson from this is…… next time I will do it better by…

If you have a billboard for all other healthcare professionals out there with any message, what would it say? (It can be someone else’s quote: Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?)


If you have a billboard for all other healthcare professionals out there with any message, what would it say? (It can be someone else’s quote: Are there any quotes you think of often or live your life by?)

What is an unusual habit or (conventionally considered to be) absurd thing that you do/love (may or may not be related to your discipline/practice)?

Do incantations to embed on me new beliefs that can help me be a better person and achieve my goals.

Also to be proactive and avoid procrastination.

In the last 5 years, what new belief, behaviour or habit that has most improved your life (may or may not be related to your discipline/practice)?

In the last 5 years, what new belief, behaviour or habit that has most improved your life (may or may not be related to your discipline/practice)?

What advice would you give to a smart, driven student? What advice should they ignore?

There are many ways to get to the place you want, start with one, and keep going (slow or fast), with the ups and downs, and just keep going. Persistence will get you there.

What bad recommendations you hear in your area of expertise that you would want to correct the most?

Any advice or comments that tells you it is too hard or impossible to achieve what you truly wants…. delete it from your head.

Trust your gut feeling that says you can and you want, even if it sounds crazy.

In the last 5 years, what have you become better at saying "no" to? What new realizations helped?

I have become better at saying no to the beliefs and labels that others or myself have given me that do not help me grow, and to CUT THEM OUT! I’m still learning but at least now I can laugh at those beliefs and labels when I recognise them.

When you feel overwhelmed or lost focus temporarily, what do you do? (What questions do you ask yourself to get back on track?)

When you feel overwhelmed or lost focus temporarily, what do you do

What is your best or your favourite achievement in your career so far?

My favourite achievements of my career have been creating Soundiagnosis Mobile Vet Ultrasound and Soundiagnosis Academy. Two awesome businesses that have contributed to the veterinary profession and to help clinics achieving further diagnosis in their cases, and in ultrasound education for our veterinary community. It has brought me so much joy, learning, growth and especially all the beautiful people who have been part of it, great colleagues and clients and the amazing relationships that we have built with them.


Dr. Veronica Damian MVZ,MVS,MANZCVSc (Radiology)

Dr. Veronica is the founder and director, lead veterinarian and clinical sonographer for Soundiagnosis Mobile Vet Ultrasound Service. She has been providing mobile ultrasound services to small animal practices since 2004 in Mexico City, and later in Melbourne, Australia since 2009.

She first acquired her veterinary degree (with honours and the University Medal) from the National Autonomous University in Mexico City, and later acquired a Master in Veterinary Studies (Radiology) from the University of Melbourne.

She is a Member of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (MANZCVSc Radiology) 2009, Australasian Association of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging since 2003 and American College of Veterinary Radiology since 2003. She was previously the Head of the Radiology Department at the University (UNAM Cuautitlan) in Mexico, where she taught veterinary students and graduates on veterinary ultrasound.

She is also the co-founder, and instructor of Soundiagnosis Academy. Where she continues to offer webinars, courses, workshops, and other veterinary educational content in Australia and overseas.

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